If you are in the unfortunate situation of going through a break-up you have probably heard all sorts of ‘advice’ from well-meaning friends and family. Family and friends are a great source of emotional and practical support when you have separated, however good...Read More
We should all plan for our future. Certainly, we should all have a current will, especially those of us who need to make special arrangements for the care of children or pets. Many of us would also benefit from making a formal arrangement to account for a time when we...Read More
Building their own home is a dream for many people, but it can be a more intimidating prospect than simply buying an existing house. One of the first and most challenging steps is to find the right plot of land. Unfortunately, this task does not end when you find...Read More
Unfortunately, disputes between neighbours are some of the most common legal disputes in Australia. Often these disputes arise because of shared fences, overhanging trees, and property boundaries. This article looks at how to resolve a dispute over a dividing boundary...Read More
When someone dies, their assets are usually distributed according to their will. The person responsible for managing and distributing these assets is the “executor” of the deceased estate. In some cases, a will appoints more than one person to act as executor, and...Read More